Jamie Beckwith
Jamie Beckwith, is a artist and product designer that lives in Nashville Tennessee. Her formative youth was spent in dance and vocal classes as she continued to perform professionally Internationally. This allowed extensive travels and the exploration of new places, cultures and people which inspired her love of art, architecture and design. After opening Beckwith Interiors and Jamie Beckwith Collection, a bespoke collection of wood art surfacing; Jamie concentrated on her original contemporary art.
Her works are inspired by the natural environment, especially wood, water, foliage and rock formations. The repeat of pattern is prevalent as each repeat stroke is singular but powerful in multiple numbers. Her works have a human and organic quality with a primitive edge. Crumbling and decaying finishes on man made structures along with natural occurrences in nature have inspired her works. She counts the works of multi-disciplinary artists Cy Twombly, Louise Nevelson and Gio Ponti inspirational to her art trajectory with the study of canvas, sculpture and design.
Beckwith is a proud mother of three children that love exploring their own creative talents thru music production, animation and jewelry design.